Termination of centralized allocation of resources in the program of the Government of T. Mazowiecki

Administrative regulation of prices is also allowed within the framework of antimonopoly legislation for goods whose manufacturer occupies a monopoly position in its field.

Termination of centrally funded allocation of resources, transition to direct communication between consumers and suppliers. The transition to wholesale trade in resources occurred in Poland back in the early 80s. However, until recently, the funded allocation of resources (including foreign currency) for enterprises operating under state orders has been maintained. In addition, the state bodies established mandatory consumers of their products for these suppliers.

The program provides for a significant reduction in the role of the state order in the economy. If in 1989 121 commodity groups were covered by the state order, then in 1990 only 21, which will make 3-4% of the total planned volume of industrial production. At the same time, the main purpose of the state order is to ensure a minimum level of production of a number of goods for socially poorly protected groups of the population: children, the elderly, the disabled. The reduction in the volume of the state order will be accompanied by a change in the conditions for its implementation.

If earlier the products produced by state orders were provided with centrally allocated funds, now the acceptance of the state order by the enterprise allows it to receive only a 2% discount when taxing its income. The government believes that tax benefits (in general, for all state-ordered products, their value will amount to 200 billion rubles. zloty) will serve as a sufficient incentive for enterprises to accept state orders.

It is necessary to create equal business conditions for enterprises of different sectors of the economy (private, public, joint-stock, cooperative), which implies the transition to a unified system of taxation of enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership.

The unified taxation system in a market economy should become an important factor in identifying the real efficiency of enterprises, the termination of the activities of those of them that "kept afloat" only thanks to tax benefits and discounts. Therefore, in order to create equal business opportunities for all enterprises, the program in 1990 provides for a reduction from 75 to 50% of the upper limit of the profit tax of enterprises of the non-state sector (but not more than 40% of total income); simultaneous increase to 20% of the lower limit of taxation of profits of non-state enterprises; the introduction of uniform real estate tax rates regardless of the form of ownership; the establishment of uniform turnover tax rates for commercial enterprises of the state and non-state sectors of the economy; the abolition of a number of tax benefits and discounts (on investment, export production, etc.) for all sectors of the economy. horse race betting online in india
