jetboy wrote:
Sorry - just updated to images to be external ones. Pretty awesome that you beat it. If I'm honest, I think I always fell just short. Might have to put some serious effort into beating it for bragging rights.
LOL the 6500... that was a beast! I remember when a mate got a Performa 6500 tower and I was mightily jealous. It was 300Mhz and had 128Mb of RAM in it, which seemed ridiculous at the time.
Weekend Warrior was either hard, or I sucked at it. The blockyness of the 3D models in your screenshots is just how I remember it. However, I don't remember the textures being that bad.
Good luck trying to complete it!
I still remember shopping for a new Mac at Circuit City. I was looking at the 6500 and another model with a ~180MHz 604 processor. I still wonder if the 604 would have been the better choice.
The 6500 tops out at 128MB of RAM. I got mine up to 96MB. And replaced the internal modem with an ethernet card. DSL was freaking great compared to dialup.
The Zip drive was awesome. I'd take a disk to college, fill it up with whatever I wanted, and come home to mess with it. I saw a few clicks-of-death on both Zip and Syquest drives. Never happened to me though (on any platform). When the HD died, I installed MacOS to a Zip disk and used that to get some work done while a replacement HD was on order.