OK, for the
Fetching... entry, highlight it and click the
minus symbol to delete it. Then click the plus symbol as noted above and add your account to the folder and set the permissions per the instructions I previously gave.
I know this is annoying to hear asked, but are you running from an administrator account? If not, then you should switch to one when installing programs. It simplifies life greatly. If you already are on an administrator account, then this may be an issue with Mavericks' implementation of Sandbox.
Could you do something for me? Try to do what you've been doing, using the .dmg file, but before touching the .dmg, open Console (found in /Applications/Utilities/) and click the
All Messages entry in the lefthand pane. Then mount the .dmg and do what you've been trying to do. Copy all Console entries starting from the time you mount the .dmg until you see the folder with the red "-" symbol on it and paste them here inside
code tags so that the post looks like the following:
11/18/13 12:17:04 PM PreferenceSyncClient Preference plist was NOT a dictionary.
11/18/13 12:17:04 PM PreferenceSyncClient Preference plist was NOT a dictionary.
11/18/13 12:17:07 PM PreferenceSyncClient Preference plist was NOT a dictionary.
11/18/13 12:17:07 PM PreferenceSyncClient Preference plist was NOT a dictionary.
11/18/13 12:17:08 PM PreferenceSyncClient Preference plist was NOT a dictionary.
11/18/13 12:17:08 PM PreferenceSyncClient Preference plist was NOT a dictionary.
11/18/13 12:20:52 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501 (com.apple.pbs) Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
11/18/13 12:21:39 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.501 (com.apple.pbs) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11/18/13 8:32:39 PM 1PasswordAgent socketDidDisconnect: Error Domain=GCDAsyncSocketErrorDomain Code=7 UserInfo=0x101c3ebe0 "Socket closed by remote peer"
11/18/13 8:32:39 PM Safari *** Assertion failure in -, /SourceCache/AppKit/AppKit-1038.36/AppKit.subproj/NSEvent.m:1714
11/18/13 8:32:39 PM Safari Invalid message sent to event "NSEvent: type=FlagsChanged loc=(0,874) time=331476.0 flags=0x100 win=0x118617a20 winNum=3698 ctxt=0x0 keyCode=255"
Note: The above is just an example of using the code tags. Your console entry will pertain to what you are messing with at the time.