seanstar I must say- this one looks pretty brilliant. I wonder if anyone ever imaged the diskette?
mossy_11 Very cool idea, and looks like decent execution. I checked a few of the major Apple II repositories and didn't see it, but it looks like this game has been written/v-logged about before — so chances seem pretty good that there's an image somewhere. Seeing his disk collection at the start bums me out because I just found out yesterday that someone (either my dad or my brother, but my dad doesn't recall doing it) threw out nearly all my old Mac disks. They were at the bottom of a bin filled with garden mulch, there for months (or maybe years), and pretty much completely wrecked by acid seeping in. I couldn't even bear to look. Originals of Spelunx, SimCity 2000, BlockOut, SimAnt, and a few others, plus my entire shareware collection from when I was a kid. A few of those games I've never seen elsewhere, which makes me worry that they're now lost to the world.
Squishy Tia I miss Science Island from my elementary school days. That and T-Rex - those were awesome educational games. T-Rex is in the repositories, but not Science Island. I want to play that game again and use my memcubes to build my mansion before the hurricane!