i think its kinda weird that it has a rating when it isnt even out yet. anyone can announce a project and boast about its potential and maybe come out with a few tech demos but to start rating it at that stage is just plain silly, dont you think?
The new version isn't out yet, but earlier versions were available before.
EDIT: Also, the new version is in closed beta right now too (I think) which is probably sufficient for early ratings. I've only heard good things so far!
Anyone can build the source in Xcode and try it out. (And I recommend you do, if you're ableāit's already in a near-finished state, and it's great.)
The feature I wrote about it on was put together after I'd been using OpenEmu dev builds for months.
Just went to build it and realised that it requires Lion. Bummer.
lol, i wish i could but me and compiling dont mix. its way out of my league. i play games, i dont build them. :P
open emu isnt going to require lion is it? because i dont plan to upgrade to anything past snow leopard for awhile. before i bought this imac with snow leopard, i used my previous emac with panther and before that, i used an ancient imac with mac os 9, and before that i used an apple with mac os 7 get the picture. kind of tells you how often i can afford to get a new mac.
just found out that open emu requires lion and up. looks like im not gonna be using it anytime soon.
Building OpenEmu from source is actually really easy. It's basically a matter of downloading the source, opening in Xcode and selecting Build for production (or something like that) from the Xcode menu.
The hardest part for me was finding where the final product is saved (I can't remember the folder, but it wasn't in a place I initially thought to look).
Without Lion or newer though I guess it is a bit of a moot point.
Out of interest, how big is OpenEmu when compiled? Would anyone be able to stick the package online somewhere?
I'm not planning to upgrade from 10.6 just yet (although I'm closer than ever) but my girlfriend's MBP is now running 10.8 and I'm keen to try it out on there. The only thing is that she's no longer installing any of the Developer bumf (inc. Xcode) after doing a clean install and 'slimming down' what's on there.
I can't compile on 10.6 but have a 10.8 machine to hand to try it! I'd appreciate it if anyone could throw me a bone.
It's about 17 MB as of this morning.
I could compile and put it in my dropbox or something like that, but do you think the developers would want me to?
We aren't against you doing that, however we would prefer it wasn't publicly distributed as we consider it Beta and don't want people expecting a final product yet.
If that's the case, I don't mind compiling (actually already done this morning).
If anyone wants a copy, just send me a private message and I'll flip you the link.
dickmedd, I'll PM you the link when I get home from work, in about 6 hours. Will this day ever end??? :(
Eugh, I meant to reply to this as soon as I got back in earlier, I was checking the forum on a moving tram and couldn't mash out my reply accurately enough!
Thanks for clearing that up, Mucx, that's the stance I presumed was being taken. After all, the code's there to be compiled, I just don't have a 10.8 machine with the means to do so at the moment!
dixius99, that sounds great to me, Dropbox or however you're happy to do so. Many thanks
Yikes! That is one tidy application. Brilliant design and operation, looking forward to seeing more cores added in future.
Well done to all involved!
Richard Bannister
I downloaded it and compiled it myself yesterday.
Very impressive stuff. Congratulations to all concerned.
One small feature request; I've got an awful lot of games in GZ format, and I'd guess that anyone who's been into this for a long time (and in particular anyone who used my old ROM sorting tools) may be in a similar situation. It'd be nice to see support for that added to the core. Maybe I'll even do it myself :)
Actually found myself compiling it last night as well, trying out some new retrolink controllers I got. I found the last beta crashed quite often, but the latest source does much better. It'd be nice if we could find some ways to speed up the API so that downloading game information is a bit faster, but other than that I'm looking forward to the public release.
Its been crashing? I haven't heard of many crashes (well have a couple weird save state issues lately), are you running it on a Hackintosh btw?
Almost exactly the same experience on my MacBook Pro, Mac mini, and Hackintosh. The latest source has been much more stable, and I've been updating frequently.
For those interested, there is a compile guide on the OpenEmu wiki if you want to compile it yourself. Take a look and you will see just how insanely easy it is to do so. (just another small part of the project the guys there aimed to make sure was easy):
I've been using OpenEmu exclusively for my emulation needs and for the few games I run it's been fabulous.
I cloned today using github app instead of grabbing zip like I used to, (Apparently you get OpenEmuBase.h errors using zip now), but I don't see N64 core anymore.
Anyone else seeing that?
Is that getting ready for a release and because it's considered development not enabled?
Looking at the Xcode files I didn't see any options to enable that core.
I only have 2 N64 games, but mupen64 version included before ran them good enough for me.