finkmac Pressed return when embedding the link, caused it to post… Oh yeah… Important… Windows-only for now… Does not work on WINE. Your Windows Antivirus will detect a false positive because of obfuscated code…
seanstar Looks awesome, but... not sure I want to jump over to Windows for an alpha build, and I'm definitely not going to take the distributor's word that a reported virus is just a false positive. Particularly if it's allegedly due to code that they know is obfuscated. and refuse to fix- choosing between getting infected and supporting bad code is a lose-lose :P
seanstar , by contrast, does look interesting and vibrant
finkmac I thought everyone on this forums would know about Megamix… Probably the most popular Sonic Hack… Nowadays, you don't hack the Sonic ROM, you use a split-dissasembly…
KimCheeWarrior does this guy have a sonic 1 hd project because sonic 2 hd just looks absolutely gorgeous
finkmac I am not going to go into detail over what happened, (read about it on sonicretro) I'll tell you this, Sonic 2 HD has been cancelled, and some other team is working on S1HD and S3HD…