Mucx Ok, so random weird question but, what kind of music do you think fits PacMan? Imagine you had heaphones in, in game music muted and you were running around the maze being chased by ghosts... what songs would be playing that fit or keep you in the zone? (artists, song name).
Pixelcade There is one and ONLY ONE Pac Man song and it's Pac Man Fever the one and only baby. Weird Al did one as well but it's really early for him so it's not that good.
Squishy Tia Yech. Pac Man Fever makes me want to barf. I have that "pac man techno" as an MP3. I've had it for years now. It's one of my favorites. Gives the subs a good workout too, and there's just enough reverb in it to use it as a test bed for a new sub to see if the sub can handle that kind of music or not. :)
mossy_11 What? Am I the only one that wants to eat ghosts to classical music?