savvos wrote:
I use list view pretty much all the time. If I need to open something and I know what it is, I pretty much always launch if from Spotlight and don't even bother with Finder.
I'd do that too, but um, spotlight made playing WoW off of a HD totally grindtastic because every single time WoW saved a preference (i.e. constantly), the
entire freaking HD would get indexed. And on a HD with literally 1.2
million files, um, it ground to a halt. So I had to disable spotlight.
I really don't see why the old Command-F can't make a comback. Sherlock 2 was eleventy billion times faster than spotlight will ever be, and didn't index until you TOLD it to, whereas spotlight you have to opt-out, which can be
very very destructive to a drive that just went south and needs recovering.
I miss being able to be able to find by filename and not deal with index crap. Even Windows' searches don't require indexing to be turned on for christ's sake. Why does OS X?
On topic: I use list view. Column view is way too wonky for subdirectory navigation via the keyboard. If I need info on what the file I have highlighted is, I hit spacebar for QuickLook.